To the island prison
While Kristen planned to escape with Elvis the real Susan was busy trying to escape out of the island prison. Kristen had arranged for a sultan to keep Susan there. Susan had to dance for the supreme leader, but made a mess of it. At her first attempt to escape Susan was caught and ordered to be executed. But when the supreme leader was choking and Susan saved his life, her own execution was canceled. The leader started to like Susan and decided she would be with him 24 hours a day. Susan managed to knock out the supreme leader, escaped and took some diamonds with her. Next, Susan talked to Violet on the phone and explained her Kristen stole her baby. Susan hired a pilot to fly her to Bermuda where she surprised both Kristen and Edmund. Susan of course revealed Kristen's true identity. Both Kristen and Edmund wondered who died in the pool and Susan explained it must have been her sister Penelope Kent. Susan had Penelope, who looked just like Kristen, come to Salem when Kristen threatened to kill Sister Mary Moira. Penelope must have arrived at the Blake house after Kristen left and Susan was taken to the island. Edmund admitted he killed Penelope, but Susan forgave him since Penelope was already dying anyway. Susan arranged it so Kristen would now end up in the island prison. Susan and Edmund married for real. Kristen was now held hostage at the island palace, but she hoped to receive some good news. Before she left Salem, Kristen had left a note for Marlena and signed it with Susan's name. Kristen also left a piece of chocolate that was filled with penicillin, something Marlena was deathly allergic too. Actually Marlena's daughter Belle ate the chocolate. Roman found Belle next to Brady's bottle of penicillin pills and rushed her to the hospital. Belle's life was saved. When Susan learned the news she sent a note to Kristen, who had been locked up in the supreme leader's dungeon, saying that Marlena wasn't dead and she and John were happy and planned to be together forever . Kristen realized Marlena had won and fell in despair, started screaming and that's the last we have seen from Kristen Blake DiMera. So far.