The secret room
Stefano had Bart, one of his henchmen, build a secret room in the DiMera Mansion. Initially the plan was to put Susan in there and to solve Kristen's problems that way. But when Marlena discovered the truth about everything Kristen had to trick her into the secret room. She did it just in time before John got home. With a little monitor Kristen could follow what Marlena was doing in the secret room. Kristen could also let Marlena see what she wanted her to see, as long as it was going on around the Mansion. This was ofcourse the perfect way to torture Marlena. John soon found out Marlena was missing and thought she was kidnapped by Stefano again. Vivian and Ivan discovered Marlena was in the secret room, but weren't going to tell anybody. With the help of Vivian, Kristen tricked John into agreeing to renew their vows.
Kristen wanted to marry at the Mansion so Marlena could witness it from the secret room. Laura started to remember what happened to her and confronted Kristen about it. Stefano had hired nurse Lynn to drug Laura and to keep her from remembering. That plan had failed, but John didn't believe Kristen was responsible for erasing Laura's memory. But Kristen's worries were not over just yet. Susan found the monitor and was almost able to get Marlena out of the secret room. Kristen arrived just in time to convince Susan not too. Kristen explained to Susan that Marlena was in love with John. Susan, who wanted John for herself, decided she couldn't get Marlena out of the secret room. Susan was working on a plan of her own. When Laura was on one of her visits to the DiMera Mansion, Kristen drugged her and made Mike and Jennifer think Laura was going crazy. But soon after Kristen ran out of luck. Marlena convinced Kristen she had a piece of metal she would use to make a hole into the wall. Marlena's bluff worked. Kristen went into the secret room to try and take the piece away from Marlena. That was the start of a new chapter in Kristen's life.