The killing pool




Kristen realized she had lost John, but still wanted to get Elvis Junior back. She broke into Marlena's penthouse and right then a fax from Susan arrived. That's how Kristen discovered Susan was in England. Kristen kidnapped Sister Mary Moira and held her hostage in the Blake house. Then, Kristen contacted Susan and told her to come to Salem in a white dress and to bring the baby. Susan also had to dress up like Kristen. Otherwise Kristen would kill Sister Mary Moira. While Kristen waited for Susan's arrival she had been drinking one glass of whine after the other while taking the pill bottle of Placiden that she had gotten from Laura when she'd dropped it on Salem Place. When Susan showed up, Kristen offered her a soda. Susan was suspicious at first, but Kristen convinced her she could never drug a canned soda. But she could. Kristen and a drugged Susan struggled, but eventually Susan passed out. Kristen left her there to be taken into white slavery on an island palace far away from Salem. Kristen was able to disguise herself as Susan and took off, planning to travel to England to take baby Elvis. Susan had called the Salem PD earlier to report Kristen had kidnapped her sister. Abe and Roman stopped "Susan" at the airport. Right then Abe got a call from John. He had found "Kristen" dead at the Blake house. Abe and Roman took "Susan" in for questioning. Suddenly, Susan's boyfriend Edmund burst into Abe's office. Abe told Edmund Susan wasn't arrested. When Edmund proposed to Kristen, thinking she was Susan, she had to accept. Kristen thought Susan was the woman who died at the pool. A large dosis of Plascidan and alcohol was found in "Kristen's" blood and Kristen left a suicide message on John answering machine. It had then been believed Kristen's death was suicide.




Kristen, disguised as Susan, attended her own funeral. Laura, who was happy Kristen died, wore a bright red dress to the funeral. During the service Laura remembered how she left Jennifer's funeral early a couple of days ago, went to the Blake house and shot at Kristen. When the priest asked people to share their memories of Kristen, Stefano stood up and blamed all of Kristen's ex-friends for her death. Stefano became increasingly upset and got a heart attack, but Lexie gave him CPR. Stefano was taken to the hospital. "Susan" visited him there and thought about killing him but she couldn't do it and left the room when Lexie entered. Stefano got better and when he was released from the hospital, he visited Kristen's grave. He said how sorry he was he didn't let her raise his son. Kristen overheared and revealed herself. She wanted to leave town, but Edmund brought his mother Violet and baby Elvis to Salem. "Susan" attempted to drug Violet and get away with Elvis, but John found her and brought her to the Penthouse grill. With Maggie's and Caroline's help, Edmund had arranged a surprise wedding there. To keep her scheme intact "Susan" had no choice but to marry Edmund. "Susan" wanted to leave Salem immediately after the wedding, but had to postpone her plans because Elvis had an ear infection. Eventually "Susan" and Edmund agreed to meet each other at the airport to start their honeymoon. First Kristen met Stefano there and daughter and father hugged for the last time. Edmund arrived earlier than Kristen had hoped and the newly weds boarded the plane. On their way to Bermuda, Edmund confessed that he killed "Kristen". When Kristen heard this she became extremely nervous and worried about what Edmund might do if he were to find out she wasn't really Susan. "Susan" told Edmund she was leaving him once the plane landed. Stefano called Kristen when he realized what Edmund had done and told her to be careful.